Reminiscing on Recent Slackerdom
As previously mentioned, I've been watching a lot of NCIS, mostly because it's kind of like Law and Order in that it's ALWAYS ON, but unlike Law and Order, I find it actually watchable. (L&O tends to piss me off like nothing else. NCIS is even less accurate law wise, don't get me wrong, but NCIS is like CSI Miami or the Sentinel or many other shows I enjoy watching for no reason except that it's like a comic book with sound and movement. I don't expect accuracy, so I don't get pissed off at the lack.)
I also suspect hypnotic rays because I'm really considering getting ahold of season sets. And by "really considering" I mean, I've already bought a few with Christmas money.
I'm weak.
I've also caught a little JAG for the first time in ages. I forgot how flipping DULL that show is. I cannot quite comprehend how a comic bookly-awesome show with explosions and identifying whether exploded people are your teammates by whether or not their lungs show signs of the BLACK DEATH could have spun off of something so dry and talky.
I do like the theme song though. I have a thing for trumpets and snares. I wouldn't survive a day in the military but I have a jones for their music like you wouldn't believe.
And also, Harmon Rabb? Is totally Hal Jordan. Seriously. If Hal were a lawyer and not a pilot? He would be that guy. The arrogance. The presumption. The control freak tendencies. The idiotic self-sabotaging ego. Heck, he even LOOKS like him.
Come to think of it, I think that guy should totally be Hal in the movie. He's got that stubborn lantern jaw thing going on.
I suppose that's why the show was so popular for so long. Women do love Hal Jordan.
I suppose now that it's New Years Eve, I really ought to start doing more productive things for the rest of my vacation. We'll see how well that goes, yeah? Heh.