An Open Letter....
Dear DC,
So I finally got myself caught up with Checkmate, and I just have to say:
Thomas Jagger is really hot.
And gay.
I like this combination.
Can we have more of that?
Thank you!
So I finally got myself caught up with Checkmate, and I just have to say:
Thomas Jagger is really hot.
And gay.
I like this combination.
Can we have more of that?
Thank you!
At January 22, 2007 6:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear DC,
So I finally got myself caught up with 52, and I just have to say:
Renee Montoya is really hot.
And gay.
I like this combination.
Can we have more of that?
Thank you!
At January 22, 2007 8:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I TOTALLY second that! Maybe that should be the next grassroots campaign! More hot gay men in DC comics. I like that. :)
At January 22, 2007 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
is the title worth reading? i'm always about supporting fellow hot gays in mainstream comics.
At January 22, 2007 6:04 PM,
Derek said…
Well, Michael, that depends on how interesting you find UN resolutions and political maneuvering.
To be fair, I do like the series, but it is an awful lot to slough through.
For example, I have no idea who this Thomas Jagger is. I've been reading this comic since it started and I have only been able to memorize four characters. Thankfully, they give very short intros each issue.
At January 23, 2007 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks Kalinara for this infusion of undiluted cuteness :) Before you hit me(which I'd ROLL w/ anyway, snicker) I agree w/ the greatness of realistic non-sterotype minorities.
Which reminds me
Dear Marvel,
Thanks for DD but could you make a severely disabled hero who ISN'T messed upcouf Xavier cough
Ido not like this combination pease stop.
Thank you.
At January 23, 2007 4:33 PM,
Ferrous Buller said…
Please, Samuel: pandering to the fanboys' interest in hot gay women is just pathetic, puerile, and predictable.
Whereas pandering to the fangirls' interest in hot gay men? That's just clever marketing!
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