Exercise in Egotism: What I Want From Kara Zor-El
I don't think I'm going too far in saying Supergirl is a problem. More than that, she's a mess.
I'm sure Kara Zor-El (Post-Crisis version) has some fans out there, but I don't know many. Most of the folks I know are resentful. She's not Linda. She's not Pre-Crisis Kara. She's not any of the characters we like or remember. Which wouldn't necessarily be bad...except the end result is, to put it bluntly, sensationalist tripe.
She's a sullen, angry little lolita in a barely there costume, sexy tattoo on her back, whose only purpose seems to be shower scenes or kissing cousins. But...wait a second, she's *Supergirl*!
There's something, I think, innately wrong with taking Supergirl, traditionally a character that makes Superman's concept accessible to young female readers and remaking her solely for men.
Supergirl should be a series I can recommend to my fourteen year old cousin, so she can see a young girl like herself with powers, an neat concept and fun stories. I certainly can't, in all good conscience, recommend *this* to her. And honestly, I don't know anyone who really likes the character as she is now. Evil version, sent to kill Clark, uber-angst, and barely there costume or not.
What's interesting to me is that apparently, in an interview, Joe Kelly said that the reason he got the series is because no one else wanted it. Yeah, it was a joke, but you know what? You should have looked my way, DC. Because *I* want the series. Give me the chance. I can fix her.
Give *Me* Supergirl
The thing about Supergirl that no one seems to get, not even Peter David, though he was much much closer, is that she's supposed to be for *girls*. She's the character that little girls think of when they tie a towel around their necks and climb up jungle gyms. Or at least that's what she should be. I'm not saying that Supergirl should have only very sanitized content and never deal with mature issues. But there's a difference between dealing with mature issues and what's going on right now.
Hell, if you read any young adult literature, you'd quickly realize that the big difference between YA and Adult fiction is in subtlety. The horror, the sexuality, the death is a bit less overt. That dosn't make their themes any less substantial. (Read Lurene McDaniel for drama or Christopher Pike for horror, for example, you'd see that the scope of YA literature doesn't stop at Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, or whatever you fogeys think young girls read*)
(*Yes, I know these are all out of date. I'm referring to the crap I read as a girl, I'm sure there are new and better examples now...heck Harry Potter's YA, after all.)
Comics neglect the Young Adult market anyway, which is stupid. You gotta hook the kids young damnit. Hook'em young, you got 'em for life. Cigarette companies know this, why have you forgotten?
Anyway, things aren't hopeless. In fact, right now, it would be really, really easy to turn Kara Zor-El into a likeable, marketable character. Without having to turn her into her pre-crisis version.
You see, it occurs to me, during Mr. Loeb's initial run of the new series, there was one moment where I found Kara Zor-El interesting. It wasn't while showing up Superman, single-handedly taking out severely out of character Titans or even beating up on the Outsiders. It wasn't while fighting Luthor or her buried evil side.
It was when she had her crush on Nightwing. It was silly. It was embarrassing. She made a total fool of herself and it was obvious to *everyone*. And I felt for her. In that moment, for the first time ever, I liked her.
Forget Kelly's silly bit about her being older than sixteen but acting sixteen or whatever that nonsense was. She's sixteen. Stasis doesn't count. She's not a safe means of exercising a school-girl fetish. She's *sixteen*.
So I'd write her that way. At the risk of being sexist, I bet I've a much better idea of what it is to be a sixteen year old girl than Jeph Loeb, Greg Rucka, and Joe Kelly combined.
Sixteen year old girls are silly. They're insecure. They're exciteable. They're angsty. No one understands them. Everyone's laughing at them. They're in love. Sure they were in love with someone different yesterday! But today it's the *real thing*. The genuine article! And...tomorrow's will be even *more* real.
Forget the dark evil daddy issues. Save them for when the character's grown up a little. Let her put them out of her head and focus on being a kid now. Focus on dating, on fitting in, on learning the ropes of this new world she's on. Focus on using her powers to fight bad-guys while trying to maintain something resembling a normal teenage existance.
She's got a good start really. Her sullen anger is very teenager-ish. But that's a bit unlikeable isn't it? Besides no teenager is that angry all the time. I'm not saying she can't be sullen and angry of course. Especially around grownups who Couldn't Possibly Understand. But that shouldn't be her default state.
We need to see Kara with kids her own age. People she won't be angry and sullen toward. School-friends, for example. So she can show other sides of her personality.
My suggestion would be boarding school. It'd be a good way for her to learn to adjust to Earth. She'd have to sneak out in order to fight and sneak back in later. She can make friends, meet boys to crush on (and she's sixteen, there'll be lots of cute crushes...let's avoid going too far though, okay? Krypton's a pretty non-touchy feely culture it seems). It'll keep her away from Clark or Bruce or Karen so she be defined on her own, apart from them.
With her personality, it'd be fun too. She's not sugary sweet like her pre-crisis self. She'll want to be cool. She'll want to impress the right people. She'll skirt the line between tomboy, girly-girl and bad girl. She'll be insecure and self-absorbed, but grow to genuinely care about the friends she makes.
And of course, there'll be ass-kicking. Bullies...she's not the sort to meekly roll over, but she'll also have to exert enough control so as not to hurt them or reveal her secret. Bad guys. There are always bad guys. But not Luthor and that sort yet, she's young. Give her her own bad-guys for a while. That way it'll be a big thing when she's got to join a big-league fight.
And in crossover stories, she should crush on more people besides just Nightwing. Come on, she's surrounded by a bunch of really attractive guys in very showy clothing. Nice, gallant, hero types. She's sixteen. It's a done deal. And she should make a complete idiot of herself. That's part of what'll make her appealing to teenage girls. Because we do that. Trip over stupid shit, stumble over her speech, all her normal grace and skill *gone* in front of a hot guy! How unfair is that!
Naturally, she'll still be competent in a fight though. She's a hero and heroes suck it up when it counts.
Finally, her costume needs to go. We do not need to see that much of her torso. The Matrix one would be much better. Still short skirt, but more of a unitard top.
It'd be really easy to get a good motivation to change it anyway. She's a teenager. Have someone make fun of her for it. Or have her overhear a guy she likes, maybe one of the other heroes, say something about how the costume's a little much on someone that young. Teenagers are sensitive and insecure. In a snap, the costume would be gone and traded. I'm sure Martha would be relieved and thrilled to make her a new costume that covers her up a little more.
But yeah, that's what I want really. Lose the daddy issues (for now) and the Lolita complex and put the *girl* back in Supergirl.
Maybe they are going this way (I love the cover with Kara getting hit by the truck), but from the interview with Mr. Kelly and the other things I've read, I'm not particularly hopeful.
Come on, guys. You have tons of sexy superheroines out there designed specifically designed for you in mind. Let us girls have Supergirl back!
I'm sure Kara Zor-El (Post-Crisis version) has some fans out there, but I don't know many. Most of the folks I know are resentful. She's not Linda. She's not Pre-Crisis Kara. She's not any of the characters we like or remember. Which wouldn't necessarily be bad...except the end result is, to put it bluntly, sensationalist tripe.
She's a sullen, angry little lolita in a barely there costume, sexy tattoo on her back, whose only purpose seems to be shower scenes or kissing cousins. But...wait a second, she's *Supergirl*!
There's something, I think, innately wrong with taking Supergirl, traditionally a character that makes Superman's concept accessible to young female readers and remaking her solely for men.
Supergirl should be a series I can recommend to my fourteen year old cousin, so she can see a young girl like herself with powers, an neat concept and fun stories. I certainly can't, in all good conscience, recommend *this* to her. And honestly, I don't know anyone who really likes the character as she is now. Evil version, sent to kill Clark, uber-angst, and barely there costume or not.
What's interesting to me is that apparently, in an interview, Joe Kelly said that the reason he got the series is because no one else wanted it. Yeah, it was a joke, but you know what? You should have looked my way, DC. Because *I* want the series. Give me the chance. I can fix her.
Give *Me* Supergirl
The thing about Supergirl that no one seems to get, not even Peter David, though he was much much closer, is that she's supposed to be for *girls*. She's the character that little girls think of when they tie a towel around their necks and climb up jungle gyms. Or at least that's what she should be. I'm not saying that Supergirl should have only very sanitized content and never deal with mature issues. But there's a difference between dealing with mature issues and what's going on right now.
Hell, if you read any young adult literature, you'd quickly realize that the big difference between YA and Adult fiction is in subtlety. The horror, the sexuality, the death is a bit less overt. That dosn't make their themes any less substantial. (Read Lurene McDaniel for drama or Christopher Pike for horror, for example, you'd see that the scope of YA literature doesn't stop at Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, or whatever you fogeys think young girls read*)
(*Yes, I know these are all out of date. I'm referring to the crap I read as a girl, I'm sure there are new and better examples now...heck Harry Potter's YA, after all.)
Comics neglect the Young Adult market anyway, which is stupid. You gotta hook the kids young damnit. Hook'em young, you got 'em for life. Cigarette companies know this, why have you forgotten?
Anyway, things aren't hopeless. In fact, right now, it would be really, really easy to turn Kara Zor-El into a likeable, marketable character. Without having to turn her into her pre-crisis version.
You see, it occurs to me, during Mr. Loeb's initial run of the new series, there was one moment where I found Kara Zor-El interesting. It wasn't while showing up Superman, single-handedly taking out severely out of character Titans or even beating up on the Outsiders. It wasn't while fighting Luthor or her buried evil side.
It was when she had her crush on Nightwing. It was silly. It was embarrassing. She made a total fool of herself and it was obvious to *everyone*. And I felt for her. In that moment, for the first time ever, I liked her.
Forget Kelly's silly bit about her being older than sixteen but acting sixteen or whatever that nonsense was. She's sixteen. Stasis doesn't count. She's not a safe means of exercising a school-girl fetish. She's *sixteen*.
So I'd write her that way. At the risk of being sexist, I bet I've a much better idea of what it is to be a sixteen year old girl than Jeph Loeb, Greg Rucka, and Joe Kelly combined.
Sixteen year old girls are silly. They're insecure. They're exciteable. They're angsty. No one understands them. Everyone's laughing at them. They're in love. Sure they were in love with someone different yesterday! But today it's the *real thing*. The genuine article! And...tomorrow's will be even *more* real.
Forget the dark evil daddy issues. Save them for when the character's grown up a little. Let her put them out of her head and focus on being a kid now. Focus on dating, on fitting in, on learning the ropes of this new world she's on. Focus on using her powers to fight bad-guys while trying to maintain something resembling a normal teenage existance.
She's got a good start really. Her sullen anger is very teenager-ish. But that's a bit unlikeable isn't it? Besides no teenager is that angry all the time. I'm not saying she can't be sullen and angry of course. Especially around grownups who Couldn't Possibly Understand. But that shouldn't be her default state.
We need to see Kara with kids her own age. People she won't be angry and sullen toward. School-friends, for example. So she can show other sides of her personality.
My suggestion would be boarding school. It'd be a good way for her to learn to adjust to Earth. She'd have to sneak out in order to fight and sneak back in later. She can make friends, meet boys to crush on (and she's sixteen, there'll be lots of cute crushes...let's avoid going too far though, okay? Krypton's a pretty non-touchy feely culture it seems). It'll keep her away from Clark or Bruce or Karen so she be defined on her own, apart from them.
With her personality, it'd be fun too. She's not sugary sweet like her pre-crisis self. She'll want to be cool. She'll want to impress the right people. She'll skirt the line between tomboy, girly-girl and bad girl. She'll be insecure and self-absorbed, but grow to genuinely care about the friends she makes.
And of course, there'll be ass-kicking. Bullies...she's not the sort to meekly roll over, but she'll also have to exert enough control so as not to hurt them or reveal her secret. Bad guys. There are always bad guys. But not Luthor and that sort yet, she's young. Give her her own bad-guys for a while. That way it'll be a big thing when she's got to join a big-league fight.
And in crossover stories, she should crush on more people besides just Nightwing. Come on, she's surrounded by a bunch of really attractive guys in very showy clothing. Nice, gallant, hero types. She's sixteen. It's a done deal. And she should make a complete idiot of herself. That's part of what'll make her appealing to teenage girls. Because we do that. Trip over stupid shit, stumble over her speech, all her normal grace and skill *gone* in front of a hot guy! How unfair is that!
Naturally, she'll still be competent in a fight though. She's a hero and heroes suck it up when it counts.
Finally, her costume needs to go. We do not need to see that much of her torso. The Matrix one would be much better. Still short skirt, but more of a unitard top.
It'd be really easy to get a good motivation to change it anyway. She's a teenager. Have someone make fun of her for it. Or have her overhear a guy she likes, maybe one of the other heroes, say something about how the costume's a little much on someone that young. Teenagers are sensitive and insecure. In a snap, the costume would be gone and traded. I'm sure Martha would be relieved and thrilled to make her a new costume that covers her up a little more.
But yeah, that's what I want really. Lose the daddy issues (for now) and the Lolita complex and put the *girl* back in Supergirl.
Maybe they are going this way (I love the cover with Kara getting hit by the truck), but from the interview with Mr. Kelly and the other things I've read, I'm not particularly hopeful.
Come on, guys. You have tons of sexy superheroines out there designed specifically designed for you in mind. Let us girls have Supergirl back!
At July 12, 2006 2:17 AM,
kalinara said…
Well, I doubt they'd let me have my choice of artist anyway. :-)
Besides, I really do like how Churchill draws her face, especially in profile. Her nose is cute!
I think the change in costume would help some with the rest. :-)
At July 12, 2006 4:25 AM,
Marc Burkhardt said…
As a huge supergirl fan, I have to say the most recent issue was one of the more disgusting stories I've read in some time. Almost disgusting enough to throw me out of comics (again).
Back in the day, Supergirl was involved with some pretty wild stories involving telepathic horses who morphed into attractive young men, but those tales had a certain fairy tale quality and 7-year-old logic that make them work.
But in these much more cynical times, DC knows exactly what they're doing when we see a naked Kara getting in Power Girl's face or kissing a Kal-El look-alike.
It's just, gross.
Your take is precisely what I would do, if I had the skill to script comics. Don't know why the current comics climate is so adverse to, I don't know, something that could be entertaining.
I mean, why not make it the super-hero answer to Kim Possible or something? It's not like that cartoon wasn't successful or anything...
At July 12, 2006 6:12 AM,
kalinara said…
keeper: It wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't...well...*Supergirl*. I get that they don't want to go back to the sugar-sweet original, but there are ways to take the character in other directions that aren't, well, *this*.
karen: Ooo! Imagine the marketing potential alone. Supergirl, by girls, for girls! :-) It'd be awesome!
At July 12, 2006 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
There's even a perfect setting around with the Elias School for Girls, filled with ex-teen-superheroines (Well, kinda) to give the supporting cast.
Or maybe I'm still bitter about how I'll never get my Mary Jane-meets-Robin-style Wonder Girl mini, since the only people Cassie cares about these days are her dead boyfriend and his best friend.
At July 12, 2006 6:37 AM,
kalinara said…
That'd be pretty cool. Though with already pre-identified heroes like Arrowette, Secret and Wonder Girl, it'd mean that superheroing wouldn't need to stay a secret.
Not to mention so many blond girls would get visually confusing.
On the other hand, a team up book with a sports game or something between the rival schools could be awesome. :-)
At July 12, 2006 9:17 AM,
Elayne said…
Oh now, don't you say anything mean about my man Ian. He's a total dreamboat and his fiancee is really nice!
Kalinara, while I see what you mean by wanting Supergirl to "act her age" a bit more, I do think Peter got it fairly close. And yes, I'm biased, my husband worked on that book for over four years. But it's not just that nor my friendship with Peter (there, that's all the disclaimers out of the way) that makes me say that. It's that Peter is the father of four girls, and if I recall correctly Supergirl was the book he wrote for Ariel, who's now around 15 years old. So he definitely had a young female audience in mind when he wrote the book. Whether or not he pulled it off is, of course, a matter of opinion. I think he did more often than not, but I think the long storylines torpedoed that, as there's little chance that young girls would frequent comic shops enough to get every single issue of a typical Peter David Supergirl storyline (the first overall arc lasted about 50 issues, after all).
At July 12, 2006 9:58 AM,
kalinara said…
:-) Oh don't get me wrong, I really do like the Peter David Supergirl, a lot. (Which might, I admit, be rooted in my dislike of the new one.)
I suppose I'm old fashioned though. :-) I'd like Supergirl as a concept to work with both younger readers (12-14 in particular) and teens-and-up. I think Mr. David was fantastic with the teens-and-up bracket, no question, but while I could definitely see younger girls enjoying reading sporadically, I think perhaps his plots and execution in Supergirl tended to be a bit heavier than what I tend to prefer in YA fare. (I'm a strong proponent of the "less is more" style in Young Adult fiction, so I'm a bit biased. :-))
Like you said about the long running plots...I also think that his execution of certain themes, particularly the storylines regarding religion and with buzz were written a bit too...thick for younger readers. (Gosh, it makes more sense in my mind, I promise).
The last story, with Pre-Crisis Kara, was perfect though. And his Young Justice was perfect for younger people as well! It's just most of Supergirl struck me as a bit more suitable for older audiences. :-)
At July 12, 2006 10:28 AM,
Matthew E said…
All Supergirl needs is to stay in the 31st century, where Waid and Kitson seem to know what to do with her.
At July 12, 2006 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree somewhat. There aren't enough good female characters out there, and Supergirl should be the natural place to start. But I'm not really a fan of the Matrix costume - I don't like the Turner/Churchill version either - the original 1950s one seems fine to me; it's utilitarian and basic.
At July 12, 2006 11:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hit the nail on the head.
I've been arguing about this point for what seems like forever.
And I remember wincing whenever I had a mom come into my comic book store with her children, see Supergirl and then having to rush over and say that, honestly, Supergirl was not something her daughter should be reading.
I know Gail Simone is over-burdened but... you'd think SOMEONE would have thought to ask her...
At July 12, 2006 11:55 AM,
100LittleDolls said…
You had me nodding yes all the way through your post.
At July 12, 2006 11:57 AM,
100LittleDolls said…
You had me nodding yes all the way through your post.
At July 12, 2006 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kalinara, you hit the nail on the head with your concept of Supergirl. I completely agree with you and there's nothing I could add to the discussion.
So, this being the internet, I sure have to! :-)
First of all, I can't believe that they brought back Supergirl, start a new comic series, and then don't even have a writer who wishes to write the character! Completely independent that the character - as perfectly illustrated by your pitch - has so much potential, and has such a perfect niche in the market barely occupied by any other comic book - why the *expletive deleted* would they bring back a character if they have no idea what to do with her? What's the point?! What kind of insult is that?
*Deep breath.*
Peter David is an excellent writer, and I love most of his recent and current work, but there are comics he does I simply never can get into, and Supergirl was one of them. And believe me, I tried several times to, but I dropped off again after a single issue, because this was simply not the Supergirl I wanted to read about. But yes, he has proven, that he can write teenage characters fabulously with Young Justice, but neither the Matrix crap (which I do not blame him for) nor the Earth Angel nonsense (which I do) have anything to do with the character.
And yes, I did buy the last 5 issues with the return of Kara Zor-El (although I only partly liked them), just to show my support if the series had gone in that direction.
In any case, I'm grateful that I have chosen to remain ignorant about what they are doing to the character in her current conception, since just the hints which I have picked in your post (Supergirl has a tattoo?) are evidence enough that it probably would not be good for my blood pressure.
But your concept - as I said, completely beautiful, giving the character a distinctive personality and voice. Someone should drag Dan Didio kicking and screaming to this website and make him read your post. That's what the character can be, if a respectful creator is allowed to write her.
But unfortunately, it's incesteous underage school girl porn for the time being - till the next infinitesimal crisis.
At July 12, 2006 2:24 PM,
kalinara said…
matthew: I do like the Legion Supergirl. But it'd be a shame to miss out on the present-day stories as well. Supergirl is nearly the icon Superman is, and really deserves to be treated like it.
anon: The Matrix costume I'm thinking of is pretty close to the 1950s version anyway. Either way though, a return to the blue unitard basics is what I'd prefer.
She can dress skimpy when she's older.
starman: It's such a shame. Supergirl should be a series young girls can enjoy. It's *Supergirl*. :-(
100: Thanks!
Denis: It's such a missed opportunity. And they're rectifying it by making the character even *more* sensationalized. It's utterly ridiculous.
I really want them to make a new coat-hanger to add these silly tattoos and dark angst and lolita-tendancies off of, and leave Supergirl to us, darnit.
At July 12, 2006 4:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. I am giving you a standing ovation! (Except for the part where I'm actually sitting at the computer, but shhh, I cheat sometimes.)
I think another important point that DC is missing, too, is even if they target a teenage girl audience specifically, if they write something that's actually a story and not a lolita wank fantasy, they'll probably gain more than just an audience of teenage girls. I think most of us can relate to teenage issues, somehow-- Buffy never would have been successful, otherwise.
Thoughts on a more practical level: one thing that might have to change, were Supergirl marketed towards a 12-15 year old girl crowd, would be the distribution. Given the horror stories I've heard from others, most Friendly Local Comics Shops aren't all that friendly to that particular gender and age group. Maybe Supergirl needs to make her way into the bookstores? And, though it makes me shudder, perhaps even "teenybopper" stores like Hot Topic and Claire's. Supergirl books to go with Supergirl t-shirts, and all that.
At July 12, 2006 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reading your suggestions - I thought of the old Robin comics. And. Yeah. YEAH. It's about a teen hero! Tim didn't jump in the shower every other scene, or make out with a thirty-year old! Tim fought with his parents, and hung out with his goofy friends, and felt really insecure about his mentor, and did his best. Those were great comics! Do that!
At July 12, 2006 6:02 PM,
kalinara said…
soyo-erika: That's definitely true. But really, Manga's paved the way for a lot of that already. And that age group reads manga. So if DC were to distribute the book like the manga publishers/translators do, it'd probably sell really well.
anon: Yeah, sadly somewhere along the way Robin lost it's YA-ness. Stephanie Brown's torture definitely didn't help.
It's such a shame. Supergirl and Robin are such household names that I'd bet a lot of parents would immediately think of them if trying to think of appropriate comics for their pre-teen/teenage kids. The fact that Supergirl particularly is so clearly *not* is a travesty, I think.
I like Mature Titles, but not under names like Supergirl or Robin.
At July 12, 2006 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know, Mark Waid writes Kara quite well in Supergirl & the Legion of Super-Heroes, and Barry Kitson beautifully illustrates her.
The colors furthermore tend toward lighter more ethereal shades, and it's almost art noveau in style. The Legion is really as far as I'm concerned the only Supergirl book out there.
Supergirl's personality in Legion offers such contrast. She's nice. She's heroic. She's powerful, and she's the closest she'll likely come to the original pre-Crisis version of Kara unless DC fires the hacks on Supergirl.
Somebody e-mailed me about my review of Legion when I started gushing over how Kara was portrayed and informed me of everything nasty that's in her history. It just left me confused. None of this junk is in Legion.
You should do a flip through though each issue to make sure there's enough of Kara in the scenes to make it worth your while.
Her eponymous book looks like DC certified porn to me, and every time I've flipped through it, I've become ill.
Ray Tate
At July 12, 2006 10:28 PM,
kalinara said…
I read Legion of Superheroes. And I like it. But that doesn't change the fact that honestly, Kara Zor-El's primary story should be in the present day. Not in the distant future.
There's no real secret identity stuff in Legion. There's no alien-learning-to-live-on-Earth stuff in Legion. There's no having to deal with her cousin's legacy in Legion.
Legion's a fun space opera/superhero romp, but Supergirl herself should be as much a coming of age story and there is an obvious hole in DC's marketing lineup with it as it is now.
Besides, I'm pretty sure the Legion's Supergirl is going to turn out to be someone/something else entirely. (Maybe relating to Dream Girl, considering...) And I want to see them use Superman's cousin properly.
I'm not satisfied with one when we should have both. :-)
At July 12, 2006 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I kind of agree with your post but I don't. I don't like the way the current one is written but I don't want to see a YA novel approach either.
The most important part of the name isn't "girl" it's "Super." It's not just Supergirl writers who overlook this fact. Superman started off a pro-active title. Right now Superman is a deadbeat Dad and still keeping up the same old sexual tension with Lex Luthor (You know it's true. Those two should have married, not Clark and Lois). There's nothing "super" about pandering or just being dull.
I'd love to see a great Supergirl title, but really I'd just be happy for something SUPER, period.
At July 12, 2006 11:26 PM,
kalinara said…
I'm not advocating a YA *novel* approach. Just a YA approach in general. Superman and Supergirl have always been series that I'd consider more geared toward younger audiences than say Batman or other series. Grownups still enjoy them of course, but there's something...wholesome about the concept. A bit of fantasy.
It's "Super". :-)
At July 13, 2006 11:16 AM,
Ferrous Buller said…
My recent experience with Supergirl comes from the S:TAS / JLU continuity; I haven't read the comic books lately. That said, it seems pretty clear to me that Kara's one of those characters who's meant to be, well, wholesome, for lack of a better term. Not necessarily Ms. Sweetness & Light & Innocence, but certainly not Ms. Angry Goth Lolita, either. :-)
It's kinda like naughtifying Sailor Moon: yeah, it's a pretty blonde girl in a miniskirt, so I could see where you might get the idea; but she's still just a girl, so stop fetishizing her, freaks. X-P
Anyway, high marks all around, Kali. Not necessarily how I would write the character, but then again, I was never a teenage girl, to the best of my recollection. :-)
At July 13, 2006 4:39 PM,
kalinara said…
*nod* She's a *super*. Super-people need that faint touch of wholesomeness I think. This version...just isn't working.
At July 13, 2006 10:47 PM,
notintheface said…
You nailed it right on the head. She's sixteen, for chrissakes!
Do stasis years = monster years?
At July 14, 2006 12:59 AM,
kalinara said…
Apparently. :-) I'd like to see a parody thing like in futurama, with the stasis people all getting together in a support group. :-)
It's funny in my head at least.
At July 14, 2006 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I like Supergirl in every book except her own. I even liked her in Batman/Superman, though that whole plot was confusing. And her guest appearances in "Up, Up and Away!" in the Superman titles were cool too. And, of course, I have to second the Legion points.
So, basically, we need to... do... something.
...where's the "delete post" button, dammit?
At July 14, 2006 10:56 PM,
kalinara said…
Ununnilium: I thought she was a bit much in S/B, but I liked her in Up, Up and Away.
Real shame her book can't make her likeable. :-(
At July 19, 2006 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I adore this. Do you mind if I link it on the (almost finished I promise!) Supergirl site at Girl-Wonder.Org?
At July 19, 2006 2:53 PM,
kalinara said…
Wow, I wouldn't mind at all! That'd be great! Glad you liked it!
At November 17, 2006 7:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
At first I really liked how they story started with Kara having to learn English and live in an Earth society. Show her having to learn to use her powers. I liked that she had to decide the person she was going to be. I personally liked the flash backs they kinda add emotional impact but I wish they were explained. In #10 what was with the whole twilight zone high school scenes. I'd like that to be explained. I want to know who Kara is. What is it like suddenly waking up having lost everything you know? Having no cultural frames of reference--and having to deal with that. She is a totally fascinating character (or could be). While I'm a numerically verified adult now (25), I still remember my teen years vividly enough (heck, they were confusing) to identify with her.
I love the possibilities this person has to be developed. I would be completely disappointed if they miss that to focus on some vamped super bimbet jerk. (Being blonde myself, I take issue with that).
The "lack of" costume annoys me as well. I'm grateful its more than Starfire has, but still, I want to give her a longer shirt. I like that she has a skirt, I can't stand unitards. :( I can't share her comics with my younger girl cousins because of the lack of clothes (my guy friends are even afraid to read her). I also agree that she should be more girl-like not the embodiment of every creepy-vibed chumps wet dream.
While I like superman, xmen, and the flash, what really started my collecting was Supergirl. It would be a crime to destroy her character.
Actually I liked Turner's art, apart from the "let's see how little Kara can wear" outfits.
I want her to have normal friends too that she has to learn to react to. --I liked that about #10.
--Just one Karaphile's 2 cents.
At November 18, 2006 5:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I finally got my hands on Supergirl #11. And I was horrified. I almost threw the book across the room looking at the weird pics of Kara's huge bottom lip and whack features sitting primely on the chair. She looks absolutely horrible. No anime supergirl! --no...bad artist...bad! Churchill was ok, but I liked how Turner drew her facial features.
I was also a little freaked out by her relationship to "Boomer". But thats another conversation.
I would truely hate to see Kara turn into another annoying superpowered bad attitude. Snarky (as long as its funny) is cool, no vamps please. With her back story, she deserves a deeper character than that stereotype. Personally, if I were her, and if Grace called me "Princess" again, I'd tell her to bite me and kick her butt until I got the respect I deserved.
I did like the flashbacks though, they explained a little, but it would be interesting to see the context of the scenes. They better be explained I want answers.
--Respect Kara, give her some dignity already. She's been through alot, Sheesh.
At March 18, 2009 1:40 PM,
Ashley Zor-El said…
Michael Turner was an amazing artist! He's the reason I fell in love with Supergirl again. He captured her beauty and strenght like know one else. I loved issue #1 and up until things just got weird. She's not interesting anymore. What's going on?!
At May 21, 2010 5:50 PM,
Courtney said…
I liked how Kara was drawn in the beginning by either Churchill or Turner. I actually liked her costume and thought it fit her. Kara is a confident young lady and doesn't have the hang-ups that so many other girls have. She's too busy trying to save the world.
I didn't think her costume made her skanky. Crop tops and minis have always been popular items of fashion.
I find the current Supergirl really ugly and boring. There is nothing that is even remotely interesting about her now. I don't see the need to turn her into another plain jane when she's a superpowered teen.
As young woman, I didn't see what was so wrong with her being pretty and in great shape? Who says you can't be pretty and wholesome? Apparently those who had a problem with the way she used to look.
I think DC folded under the pressure to change her into this boring version. I hope they change her back.
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