Wardrobe Malfunction:
You know, I like the current Crimson Avenger. I think she's a neat concept. I also like that she's a woman and black, because white-washed worlds are boring and more female heroes are always a good thing.
I particularly like that she's portrayed as pretty damn kickass at what she does, and gave Ted and Karen a very serious challenge when she was hunting him down.
I think her costume is nifty too, the blindfold gives her this marvelous impersonal, blind justice quality.
There's just one problem:

I really wish she'd pull up her damn pants.
I particularly like that she's portrayed as pretty damn kickass at what she does, and gave Ted and Karen a very serious challenge when she was hunting him down.
I think her costume is nifty too, the blindfold gives her this marvelous impersonal, blind justice quality.
There's just one problem:
I really wish she'd pull up her damn pants.
At April 29, 2006 4:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, no fair mocking the fashion choices of the blindfolded! That's blindfoldism, that is!
At April 29, 2006 4:42 AM,
kalinara said…
Yep, which is why I wouldn't critique the color or anything.
But you can't tell me she doesn't feel the cold air against her pelvic region!
At April 29, 2006 4:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Right. Okay.
Good point.
. . .
The curse! It's part of the curse! She has to carry the twin pistols of damnation, dealing vengeance to those who might otherwise go free - and she has to do so in constant peril of having her nether regions exposed to the terrible evils she opposes!
Ohhhhhh, abstract embodiments of vengeance, how mysterious are your ways!
At April 29, 2006 4:51 AM,
kalinara said…
Ahh, it all makes sense now. How profound!
At April 29, 2006 4:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm a proud subscriber to the Metaphysics for Exhibitionists newsletter!
. . .
But perhaps I've said too much.
At April 29, 2006 7:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
So it's sort of like the Spectre's no-shirt-ism?
At April 29, 2006 8:47 AM,
Steven said…
Yesss... It's all related to the Spirit of Vengence's rules against sensible clothing. She's lucky she's not fighting crime in an overcoat, bra and panties...
OR, she carries two guns (despite the fact that either gun has unlimited ammo and target seekings bullets, so what's the real advantage?). Guns are heavy. Maybe she does pull up her pants all the time, and her guns keep weighing her down/
At April 29, 2006 2:26 PM,
Centurion said…
Maybe she just needs a belt.
Belts are far more useful than many would believe. Not only can they keep pants up/on, but they can also subdue an enemy if used like a whip and you can hold onto either end while over a rope to escape a building that is on fire or about to blow up...
At April 29, 2006 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well,this is the fashion sense in the REAL world,for want of a better or SANER term.In comics,there seems to be the need to make a "STATEMENT"....
At April 29, 2006 8:16 PM,
kalinara said…
djack: ooo, I wanna subscription!
anon and steven: yep, and Kid Eternity's lack of pants in JSA. It's a death thing.
steven and cent: Suspenders work too, and look hot on women. It does nice things for cleavage.
anon: Heh, though high fashion here does that too. It's pretty crazy. Why design clothes no one will ever wear?
At April 29, 2006 8:21 PM,
kalinara said…
There was indeed an Hourman series! Starring Tyler, the Hourman Android from he 852nd Century or something, built by TylerCo.
It was actually a really good, funny series!
He also played a decent sized mentor role in later issues of Young Justice.
At April 30, 2006 2:04 AM,
Hale of Angelthorne said…
A sure sign I'm getting old: the other night in a restaurant I saw a very attractive girl maybe 19-20 with, literally, her entire ass crack hanging out the back of her low-rider jeans, low enough to where it was very obvious to all and sundry that she was going commando, and my only thought? That girl needs to pull up her britches!
Hey, you kids! Get off my lawn!
At April 30, 2006 5:58 AM,
kalinara said…
hale: If it makes you feel better, I tend to think that too. :-)
Especially about the lawn.
At May 01, 2006 1:15 AM,
Hale of Angelthorne said…
Yes, yes, that makes me feel much better.
Now where did I put that damn metamucil?
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