I'm No Doctor But...
I did get a lifeguard certification way back when, and honestly this doesn't look like proper backboarding technique to me...:

I applaud you for knowing that a backboard's good for a head/neck/back injury, Hal, but I'm *reasonably* sure, you're supposed to support and keep the neck straight as well. Spinal cord reasons.
You'd think with all your head injuries you'd have remembered that...
No wonder Guy spent so long pissed off at you...

I applaud you for knowing that a backboard's good for a head/neck/back injury, Hal, but I'm *reasonably* sure, you're supposed to support and keep the neck straight as well. Spinal cord reasons.
You'd think with all your head injuries you'd have remembered that...
No wonder Guy spent so long pissed off at you...
At March 08, 2006 4:54 PM,
CalvinPitt said…
Two things:
1) A school bus is yellow. How is Hal stopping it, or at the very least not accidentaly banging his head on the windshield.
2) Guy Gardner was in charge of the education of children? Who the hell approved that?
At March 08, 2006 5:41 PM,
kalinara said…
1. Um...just take it as he's *trying* to move it, and actually failing because it's yellow.
2. Aww, that's mean. Guy was a really nice guy back then. A good teacher, (had degrees in Psychology and Education, even). Then he got his brain basically ripped apart by Sinestro, was almost a vegetable for a few years, and woke up a lot...err...angrier. (With some justification: the guardians could have healed him but didn't, because he was "only Hal's alternate). A good deal of the changed temperament though was due to brain damage in the line of duty, which kind of makes the rest of the heroes look a little bad when you remember that.
Later, in Warrior, he's healed the brain damage. But has since decided he likes being a jerk and riling people up. (You can tell he's a psych major).
But honestly, I can't blame him. :-)
At March 11, 2006 9:54 PM,
Johnny Bacardi said…
How does GL's power work at all with those yellow skies? Strange...
At March 11, 2006 10:22 PM,
kalinara said…
Um...honestly, I've no answer. :-P Don't think about it. Focus on Guy Gardner getting hit by a bus. :-) That's funnier.
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