A Substance Free Post:
As my birthday has just past, I've decided to take a break from opinionated essays for today and post something nice for me:
From JLA 71:

Seeing Jason Blood "perform". One of the many, many, *many* reasons I enjoy Obsidian Age so. *ogles*
From JLA 71:

Seeing Jason Blood "perform". One of the many, many, *many* reasons I enjoy Obsidian Age so. *ogles*
At February 08, 2006 12:51 AM,
Steve said…
I guess his "form of man" isn't quite so "gone, gone"...?
Happy belated birthday!
At February 08, 2006 3:36 AM,
James Meeley said…
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At February 08, 2006 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Obsidian Age is my JLA bible.
If I ever get a chance to write JLA I'll gaurentee you Firestorm, Major D, Nightwing, and Hawkgirl will show up/and/or be on the team.
And given my emense dislike for Hawkgirl thats amazing
At February 08, 2006 3:49 PM,
kalinara said…
steve: heh, especially considering Hawkgirl and Faith's very positive reactions in the panel I didn't post.
james: Aww, well, there's always next year. :-) Thanks!
mallet: Hmm...now if you put in Jason Blood/Etrigan, I'll be enthused. :-)
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