Stupid Question:
I feel embarrassed about asking this, since I feel like I really ought to know, but anyway...
Some of the solicits are up for April. And I have to ask.
Who's the character in the army camoflage pants? And is he really firing pink light at the badguy?
Here, I swiped the cover image:

Anyone with a better eye for detail and a sharper memory than me able to identify this chap? I'd dearly like to know.
Some of the solicits are up for April. And I have to ask.
Who's the character in the army camoflage pants? And is he really firing pink light at the badguy?
Here, I swiped the cover image:
Anyone with a better eye for detail and a sharper memory than me able to identify this chap? I'd dearly like to know.
At January 22, 2008 3:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
From the solicits, he appears to be a new character premiering net issue called, I kid you not, The Amazing Man.
At January 22, 2008 5:02 AM,
Rob S. said…
I think Amazing Man is the one holding the central character.
N clue who Pink Raygun is, though.
At January 22, 2008 6:33 AM,
LurkerWithout said…
If I recall things right Amazing Man I was one of the first black super-heroes. His son or grandson (I forget) was part of the Euro-Justice League team that Mist 2 trashed in Starman. He ended up dead. Given what looks like 3 Kingdom Come characters (Superman, Ray and Jonni Thunder) holding down Kingdom Come anti-hero/villain Gogmagog, he could be the KC Amazing Man. I don't have my trade so I can't check the group shots. Powergirl could be regualr DC or the KC version. Mr. Terrific and Hawkman are regular DC...
I can't think if army fatigues/pink ray is KC or not. I know there WERE characters that looked vaguely like that...
Maybe another legacy character from one of the Golden Agers killed by Savage's Nazis?
At January 22, 2008 6:34 AM,
LurkerWithout said…
Actually if Amazing Man 3 has the same powers as the previous, he could be pink ray guy. Amazing Man could absorb the qualities of something by touching it. And I think Gogmagog's staff thingy might have shot pink or red rays...
At January 22, 2008 6:39 AM,
LurkerWithout said…
And going to newsarama to get a better look at the cover, the guy holding Gog from behind is definitely black, so I'd say he's Amazing Man 3. And Fatigues/Pink ray has some tattoo on his arm. Maybe he's KC Peacemaker? Using Reach tech?
At January 22, 2008 7:52 AM,
Steven said…
kAccording to this Geoff Johns interview, pink raygun is a new character called Lance Corporal David Ried.
At January 22, 2008 11:40 AM,
SallyP said…
I don't have the faintest idea who that is, but I'll tell you one thing. With a behind that big, he'd never make it into the Green Lantern Corps.
At January 22, 2008 12:24 PM,
Steven said…
And even more info here.
At January 22, 2008 6:16 PM,
Jack Norris said…
So, what about the golden age Amazing Man that just got reintroduced in Iron Fist? Is this a case of deliberate confrontation between Marvel and DC, or just a coincidence?
At January 22, 2008 7:26 PM,
LurkerWithout said…
Looking at the Wizard picture, "Lance" now reminds me visually of another Golden Age character. Captain Triumph. Who could turn his body over to the ghost of his twin brother by touching his birthmark...
Plus all these characters are supposed to be legacies. Making me wonder who "Lance" is a legacy of...
Oh and now I want to reread Robinson's "Golden Age". Where did I put that trade?
At January 22, 2008 8:44 PM,
Patrick C said…
lurkerwithout - I think you may be on to something. I didn't think about Captain Triumph at all, but I think his name was Lance Gallant! Now, being named Lance is clearly not the same as being a Lance Corporal, but that can't be a coincidence. Well I guess it could be, but I don't think it is.
At January 24, 2008 1:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
lurkerwithout is correct, that is the new Captain Triumph, and he's on the cover of the upcoming JSA as well (along with Amazing Man, Judomaster, Lightning, and Mr. America, to name a few).
I'm convinced Geoff Johns is bringing back or creating three new characters for every one DC editorial kills off. In another year the JSA will have about 50 members and every single one will be interesting and awesome. :)
At January 24, 2008 1:38 AM,
kalinara said…
Now if he could only give my favorite JSA-er some panel time. :-P
At January 26, 2008 12:12 AM,
Hale of Angelthorne said…
"Who's the character in the army camoflage pants? And is he really firing pink light at the badguy?"
Captain Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell?
I know, I'm ashamed of me too...
At January 28, 2008 5:31 AM,
Mike Haseloff said…
Wow! I somehow missed this until now. Given how abrupt it's been, I'm surprised how exciting John's JSA Kingdom Come line-blurring and new characters continues to be!
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